Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dienstag is Tuesday

Three had an accident at preschool. They were singing their goodbye song. She came to meet me at the door with wet legs and shoes. I changed her and just thought it was all about the timing. She was really crabby the rest of the day. She cried through pick up of the boys and was still upset when we got home. Homework has been a challenge lately. She wants attention when I have to give it to the boys to get the homework done.
Later, after everything had settled down, Five comes racing upstairs yelling my name. He does that a lot lately. He finally finds me and informs us that Three has peed in the basement. She hit the cement only thankfully. By the time I get down there, I find her right at the bottom of the steps, sweeping the pee on the floor. Oh boy. She gets an early bath. So, we go on with our evening. By this point, I was ready to escape to RE. Not sure what to think when my only escape is to teach eight six year olds for an hour and a half. I think I am in it for the arts and crafts. JK I heard stories of first graders who did not want to go last year. I didn't want to have that argument with Six. I figure if I teach the class, maybe it won't be so boring and we will get more out of it. So far so good. We did an oral quiz tonight. Some didn't get the answers right. We will see how the next unit goes. I am happy to be able to do it with Six. It's quality time for the two of us.

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