Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

They were all whining and screaming after school. We had two potty accidents. I spilled twice on my already stained t-shirt. Tried to fill the water bottle with milk per Three's request and spilled that too. After Three's field trip to the pizza place, she popped a hole in her Styrofoam cup causing High C to spill in the cup holder of her car seat. There is jelly on my living room floor and something orange.
Highlights for the day: took down the crib/toddler bed, cleaned the house, vacuumed the car, spot cleaned the carpet, had coffee with my favorite Zinnia, and once I turned on some music in the kitchen, everyone attitude and mood improved. Have to thank the Beatles!
Had to be thankful I wasn't the mom with her shirt inside out at the field trip today. Very well could have been me. We were quite behind when we flew out of the house this morning. Weren't the last ones to arrive at the field trip, but not the first. Looking forward to Grey's and a 7:30 bedtime. BONUS: tomorrow is Friday! Pizza night, homecoming parade and extra special company!

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