Sunday, October 10, 2010

Soccer Sunday

A migraine sure can make a Sunday morning alone with three kids rough. I had one off and on all week; too bad it was on today. We made it through church and Sunday school. Lunch was OK, but I was heading down hill. I had to call for help with the soccer game at 2. Another parent had offered to help me if I needed. He would be at our game anyway to watch and his older sons team did not play until 4. I was very thankful he coached the team today. N was at work. Five did better taking directions from him than me, surprise surprise. He really worked though, played better than he has before. We only had three players show up. Four really, but one left on account he won't go on to the field. The other coach didn't mind if Six played goalie. No worries, he let in plenty of their balls. Five played the entire game along with two buddies. We knew we would be short players, but I had counted on two more. One was sick and the other was the boy who ran away. Two were out of town and that is our entire team. Our babysitter came to stay with Three. She didn't want me to go. This was the last thing I needed with a migraine and trying to get out the door to the game. I got a tote of baby clothing from the garage and told her to look for outfits for her dolls. She couldn't have been happier when I left.
N came home from work and cooked for us. He made sweet and sour chicken. He did great. It was just the saving I needed at the end of the day.
We took pictures of the kids at Zinnia's house on Saturday. I was so excited. It was a lot of work, but fun. Tulip took the pictures with her fancy camera. We are going to try it again this week. Hopefully the weather holds out and we can get great shots. Five wore jeans to the picture taking. He also wore jeans today to church. This is a big deal. He has not wore jeans since 2008! Not really sure of the last time, could have been early 2009. Anyway, I was shocked. We will see where this takes us.
I found a star wars video game Five had received for his birthday. I had hid it from them and could not find it. They were able to enjoy it for the first time this afternoon when we got back from the soccer game. So it begins, video games into my children's lives. They have not played video games very much. They do not even know how to operate the remote control to the TV. They will learn soon enough.
That's all for now!

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