Saturday, October 23, 2010


Well, I am behind on my blogging. Sorry for that. Busy time with this group. We had parent teacher conferences for Five. I was very curious what Mr. L had to say. With so many parents putting their kids in school later, I wondered what kind of review Five would get possibly being one of the younger kids. Mr. L said we have sent him another very nice little boy. He is very different from the last, but very nice to have in class. He had a good report all around. He can work on some letter sounds and being responsible for his personal belongings. I was proud to hear how well he is doing. He has adjusted to the routine and things are going very well.
We had our last soccer games last weekend. The boys were happy and did great. They were very proud of their trophies too. We took some pictures. It was officially a successful season. N and I did alright as coaches. The parents seemed happy and thanked us for stepping up. Six loved every minute of it. I bought some Halloween oreos for them to pass out at the end. Proud moment for all. I think they will want to play again in the spring.
Five is the first one to wake up every morning. One morning, he was up extra early, as was I. He wanted to take a bath. I set him up and went down to make breakfast. Later, he came down when everyone else was still asleep. He was in his pj's again. He shared with me that he had put on clean underwear. I told him I was just about to ask him that. He smiled big and said "I can read your mind!" I laughed and told him maybe he should be a magician for Halloween. He told me about his student teacher at school and how he had read her mind earlier in the week. He also said a kid at his lunch table turned one napkin into two! Oh the minds of five year olds. He brings us so much joy in his own special way. His name means laughter and he is the joker of our family.
Six has aced all his spelling tests so far. This week was pretty easy. Now he brings home flash cards with addition for homework, along with his spelling words, word wall work sheet and math work sheet. He really likes his teacher. Our mornings are easier now. There is less complaining and everyone falls into place the way the routine goes. We are like a well oiled machine getting ready to leave for the bus. Six is such a happy boy. He rarely complains and always has his things in order. I can't complain about him one bit. We are very proud of the big boy he has become. Tuesday nights I teach his religious education class at the church. I am really enjoying that time with him. Its something we are doing together, just the two of us.
Three is having a great time in preschool. She has come home sharing songs and stories with me. She can't always think of them when we get in the car, but later on that day or in the week, something will remind her of what she has learned. Today she told me she learned about Adam and Eve. The comment came from out of nowhere. It was sweet.
We worked on Halloween costumes today. Six wants to be Darth Vader. We found a mask at goodwill for $1. Grandma had made the boys a black cape last year. Today we put black fabric on cardboard, then painted the red, green, white and silver buttons for his chest. We are going to attach it to one of N's old black tshirts. He should be set. Three wants to be a ballerina. Fair enough, Grandma had made her a tutu last year. A pink shirt, white pants and Zinnia had ballet slippers. I made a pretty hair tye with ribbons, lace and beads. We might try a wand too. She was so happy. And Five, oh dear Five. He and his wonderful ideas just make my head spin. He wants to be Kid Visto. I am not sure how to spell it, but Kid Visto is the ultimate Jedi on Star Wars. We googled him and there was no way I could make the movie character. Well, that was fine with Five. He wants to look like the Lego Kid Visto. OK, I can work with that. He has a green face and these hair like things all over his head. Two come down over his shoulders. I just happened to have some upholstery fabric that is the right shade of green when turned inside out. So, I begin to create my best version of Kid Visto, Lego man. I took a winter hat that was almost too small and stitched the upholstery fabric all around it. Then I made tube like pieces and stitched them on too. I had a piece of camel colored fabric that I cut a square in to slide his head through. Tied my brown belt from my coat around his waist, and we have Kid Visto. He loved it. He was so happy and proud. I am pretty sure no one will know who he is, but oh well. He is very excited about it. That is what Halloween is about, right? I will try to post pictures. I would like to post the Lego guys picture too. We will see if I can figure it out.
Everyone needs a bag of candy to pass out. There is a Halloween parade on Friday at the school. Looking forward to that and the pumpkin festival. Come over if you can! The kids love to hand out candy. Six told me he likes handing out candy the best. Another successful week!

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