Friday, October 15, 2010

Freitag ist Pizza Abend!

What a day! N made the boys breakfast and were off before I knew it. I have been working on a painting project and got to finish part of it up this morning. I got my workout in and was debating on mowing the lawn. Not sure I had enough time to get that done and everything else, I skipped it. I made cream de menthe brownies and SIX pizzas! Yup. Six. Two taco, two sausage and two cheese. We had plans for Tulip and her family to come over, Zinnia and her group along with a friend, and R & R, (Nathans cousin and beau). My stress of the day was from Three. She was making me crazy. While I was trying to get everything done, it was exhausting because I had to negotiate and explain everything ten times to her. Five put in a request to be picked up from school today. More work for me, but I wanted to do it for him. It was a struggle to get shoes and socks on her. She changed three times. Once we finally had shoes on and were in the car, she couldn't make up her mind which seat to sit in. We were almost late for pickup. Got the boys and Six had half of a melt down. I sent him to his room for quiet time and we skipped his homework for today. We have never skipped it, but today seemed like it was needed. He was fine after 10 minutes to himself. I finished getting pizzas made and put in the fridge. Guests all arrived around 5. We walked to the parade together. The people who lived where we sat seemed very irritated with us being by their house. We came home with treats and an enthusiastic group! We had three six year olds, one five, one four, three threes, a one and almost 9 months.
R & R had their dogs with. My kids love Sophie. They are always excited for her to come. This was our first time meeting R's R. He was very nice. We were impressed.
Pizza was served and kids went to play. Adults had their pizza sort of in peace. As peaceful as it can get with most of the group being down stairs. They came up and it was almost 8pm. Most are in bed before that on a normal night. I had made the cream de menthe brownies and served them to the adults. As the children came up from downstairs, their eyes grew bigger and bigger once they saw a plate of brownies on a pedestal. I had to talk them into a to go box instead. After everyone left, my group would do anything for a brownie. I had my fill of Three and had to get her in the bed as soon as possible. We had a potty accident today and she attacked her friend twice. I don't know what to do with her. Not sure what the accidents are from. It's been a tough week on her I guess, but I am not sure why. I let the boys stay up for a brownie. They were good and deserved a reward. Everyone was in bed by 8:30 and I was able to clean up before N got home from work. He was expecting people to still be at our house when he got home. Everyone was too tired.
In the end, I was left with an extreme thankful feeling. Once again, this time last year, we were at the parade alone in the rain. It felt so good to be there with friends.

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