Tuesday, September 21, 2010


We had to pick a name for our team. Everyone under six wants to be sharks. Not sure where it came from, but they wanted to be the bull sharks. I didn't know what to think. Here were a bunch of little boys chanting bull sharks on the field! Another boy mentioned Fireball. I tried to stear them towards Tiger Sharks. Eventually, I put it to a vote Fireball or Tiger Sharks. Two wanted Fireball, one didn't even want to vote, the rest were for Tiger Sharks. We became the Tiger Sharks.
Six had a game tonight. First one N could come to. It was fun, but Three and Five were trouble. Why do they have to act up at the game? I really do not want to bring them next time. I don't think it will be a problem though, both boys have games at the same time this weekend. Three will be with her new friend Miss Jordan.

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