Tuesday, September 14, 2010

One Full Tuesday

Today was Three's official first day of preschool. Five had requested a ride to school, but later declined. He just wanted to be picked up instead. Boys out the door and just the girl remained. We thought all was well, but on the way to preschool, the road was closed. Had to go the long way around and was a little late.
Wasn't sure how it would be dropping our "baby" off at preschool. At first she wanted me to come in with her. I sat for just a few minutes by the play dough table, then gave her a kiss and left. The school had a cart with bagels, spreads, coffee and juices. N and I had some and watched through the window of the classroom. She was doing great. We had some free time to ourselves. Two hours alone! What do we do, run errands. We made it to three different places during that time. Normally, with our group in tow, we are a one stop shop. Anything more is chaos.
When we picked her up, she was so proud of herself. It was great to see her independent and happy. She has not been away from me too much. I was glad to see her confidence.
N made a tuna steak on the grill. It was fantastic. I made a spinach salad with almonds and strawberries, a recipe I received from Zinnia. Later, Three and I went to Zinnia's house to help can tomatoes. N picked up the boys from school and took them for ice cream. Supper and then soccer followed by religious ed. What a day. N had the younger two ready for bed when Six and I got home. Tomorrow we have nothing except school. Three celebrates her bday at preschool on Thursday. Tomorrow we will be making cupcakes.
Goodnight all. Sweet dreams.

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