Monday, September 13, 2010

Good Monday Morning!

Today was very successful getting the kids out the door. Things were probably easier because Three and I had no where to be once the boys were on the bus. Five requested a ride tomorrow. Three has preschool so we will just all head out. I forsee a challenge ahead. For now, I will enjoy the moment of how smooth this morning was. I made them a "breakfast pizza" today. It consited of crescent rolls with scrambled eggs and cheese. They ate almost the entire 9x13 pan! Six eats really late lunch, I try to as many eggs in him as possible. I make them eggs every morning on school days. I just can't see cereal keeping them statisfied til lunch. Eggs and a clean kitchen before we all go, that is my new goal. I hate leaving a messy kitchen. Almost never leave dishes in the sink, just can't let myself let it go. Neat freak I guess would be the correct word, either that or just certifiable.
I found music recently that I had not heard for a very long time. I put it on my itunes. What a nice way to start out the morning. Some of it is from a CD of familiar songs from church. Others have an Irish twist to them. Most of it is instrumental and very relaxing. Three was happy when I read her three books after the boys left. She has now found something in her room to entertain herself for now. I ordered a new cartoon from blockbuster for her. I plan to let her watch it while I get my workout in. It's one of her favorites so I know she will be patient for at least 30 minutes to get my workout done. My day goes much better after the workout is complete. Then it will be to mow the lawn. Too wet to mow now. I want to do it before N gets home. He is going to build be a sewing table this weekend. At least I hope he will build it this weekend. We also have to stop by the church and decorate a bulletin board before our first religious ed class tomorrow night. All this leaves me with a comforting feeling of being organized and involved. I think a person needs structure and community to feel good. Once again, it comes back to how I felt this time last year, still lost and unhappy from moving here. Change is hard no matter what age you are. Looking forward, today is going to be a great day!

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