Thursday, September 9, 2010

Soccer Practice

Six had his second practice. He is so happy to play and excited. I felt bad, we didn't have a size 4 ball. I finally was able to pick one up today, but forgot it at home in the chaos of leaving the house. Five and Three were throwing fits and the ball was left behind. Thankfully we live close to the fields and I was able to go home with Five and Three to get it. There it sat on the front porch. We brought it back to the fields and Six was happy. He had a great practice. My experience on the other hand, not quite so pleasant. Three would not go potty before we left the house. Of course as soon as we get settled with our blanket, bucket of dinosaurs and books, she needs to use a facility. We are at a soccer field, only thing there are two green boxes. I get her inside, she freaks and says she doesn't have to go anymore. Can you say bladder infection? I take her back to the car and put her in a pullup (just in case). She keeps it dry the whole practice. Five and Three get a little annoying and interrupt a conversation between me and another parent. They appear to be a little rude, but not too bad; just enough to irritate me. Our arrival at home was chaos. Took them awhile to get in the house. Started a bath, but no takers. Eventually we get the whole bedtime routine done and I am spent. I find inspiration to start this thanks to my friend who is known as Mommy. My wonderful husband comes home from work and brings me a beverage. The football game is on, which normally would irritate me. It is overlooked and I am content. Ready for what comes at me tomorrow. Goodnight!

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