Thursday, September 23, 2010

The First Lost Tooth

Six has had a loose tooth since the first day of school. I was shocked to see how much of the second tooth was already coming through. It worried me that we couldn't get the loose tooth to come out. I scheduled a dentist appointment to get it out. The morning of the appointment, N tells me the tooth is hanging there. I said, we better get it out and save ourselves on paying for a dental visit. N takes an apple upstairs to Six and tries to get him to take a bite. Six, who fears almost all fruit, is scared and refuses. Eventually, he is talked into it and all smiles when he comes downstairs, prize in hand! Apparently, the deal was he could spit the apple into the toilet if he did it. It was not until much later, that I learned the entire story and saw the rejected apple slice in the toilet. Guess in all the excitement, they neglected to flush.
He came home from school and said his teacher told him "Congratulations!" Another proud moment on Nuthatch.

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