Saturday, September 11, 2010

The First Soccer Game

N and I did our coach work last night, made out a list of who will play and when. We thought we had it all figured out. We were down to six players, one boy would not be there. We wanted to make it all fair. He even figured out the minutes per player for the game. We were set.
Upon our arrival, we think it's all good and two players don't show up. Just before we start one comes, but doesn't want to get on the field. I was so worried about losing track of time and not switching players, turns out we only had enough to play. Five did alright, but did walk out because he is stubborn. The other boys surprised us with some great moves. One who I thought might join Five, didn't and played almost the whole game. He was great! Six was restless and bored on the sidelines. We have to remember something to entertain him next time. Three stayed home with the neighbor girl. They had a great time.
It rained right when Six' game started. He was a trooper. He played great and had fun. All smiles when he was done. We came home with a very happy boy. We may have a future in soccer afterall. I wasn't sure how excited they would be about it. Now to relax for the rest of the weekend. : )

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