Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sittin On the Dock of the Bay

That song came on while on my hands and knees washing the kitchen floor. Love the way music can change the feel in the room. You can be tired and want to quit, but get the right song and you can keep going. I almost didn't wash the floor. It needed it, but I was tired. A nice relaxing tune and the floor was clean.
I am amazed the reaction Five has to music. He can keep a beat too. If there is a song he likes, he can't help but move. I think he may bring back break dancing. He spins on the floor and that is what I think of, break dancing. On Wednesday he came home and said he didn't have the best day. He didn't get to do the thing he wanted to outside, someone hit him on the playground and when he opened his cookies at snack time, they flew all over the place. When I picked him up from school today it was cold. Everyone coming out of the school were in pants. Some were in tshirts, but most had their sweatshirts on. Then comes five, Star Wars shirt tucked into his red gym shorts. No sweatshirt, no worries. I shared with his teacher that my instructions to Five were, when the teacher says he has to start wearing pants to school, we had to listen. The teacher said he will tell Five to wear pants starting tomorrow. I don't know how he would have survived if we still lived in Texas, the boy can not get sweaty, EVER. Since it was raining today, he did not get to play outside. After school, we played with the neighbors in the driveway. The mother commented on how brave Five can be. Just after our discussion of him being fearless, we see him board a little car. Her son is sitting safely in the drivers seat. Five is on the hood. Down Mr. C's driveway they go! They were going a pretty good speed and hit the curb across the street. All I could see was Five's little butt fly forward and land flat on the grass. He was so proud. I told him he better get a helmet and knee pads.
Three told me over and over today that she played with all the things she likes at preschool today. We brought cupcakes to celebrate her birthday. Poor girl was confused for awhile when it was actually her birthday. We had many celebrations in August and September since we made a trip to MN during those times. She is getting to be so big and such a sweet girl. She has been sleeping in her big girl bed ever since Grandma left.
Six has his first spelling test tomorrow. We have been writing the words in a book all week long. He knows them and this time I am not worried. We will see how things go as the spelling lists get more difficult. Something happened today between him and a teacher. She was supervising the indoor recess and he had not retrieved his lunch on time. When he went to go get it, she sent him back, or something like that. Anyway, he shared this with me in the car on our way home. I guess he cried. An email may need to clarify the situation. This is the first time I have heard something like this from him. He likes school, but the day can be so long. The week gets long too. Hopefully after awhile, it will get better. Last year it seemed to be rough for the first two weeks.
I can hear kids outside still and it is near bedtime. Mothers telling them to get their coats on. Mine are ready for bed thankfully. Time to read books and practice those spelling words one more time.

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