Friday, September 10, 2010

Screaming Banshee

I try not to yell. I try to have patience, but at the end of the week, it is inevitable. It's Friday night, the end of our first week of school. Looking back, we did alright. I can't help but see where I made mistakes and question myself. The nights we were home after school, had nothing planned, things went smoothly. Soccer practice Thursday night was a bit much. Tonight we did pizza with the neighbors. All was well til we got home and Five struggled. I struggled with him. He insisted on a bath, even though this was the one night I thought we could skip it. I got the bath ready, but he still was not listening. Through all the frustration, I did not realize why this was so hard. He was at school all day and that has been an adjustment. He was doing very well with it, the difficult bath times didn't occur to me to be from school starting. I guess I have to not do so much. This session of soccer is the first sport the boys have done ever. It maybe wasn't the best idea to start it with Five starting Kindergarten too. Add being a coach on top of it, and maybe we are getting maxed out. I keep telling myself soccer is only 6 weeks, it's starting to seem longer. This time of year last year, we were pretty lonely. I used to dred Friday nights. We would be home alone. N would be at work. We didn't know many people. Now that we do, the weekends are easier. Walking over to the neighbors tonight, I was so thankful to have them as our friends. They moved in the winter months. We have become very close. Their kids are the same age as ours. The children all get along. It was just what we needed to make living in Michigan feel good.
So, back to doing too much. I tried to fit in a skype session with G & G. It works best for one kid to go at a time. Five wasn't listening and spilled coke all over the file cabinet. At that exact moment, N called. It was too much. I cut everything off. Skype, the phone and set everyone to their beds. What a learning experience this has been for me. It is hard to stay focused with so many distractions.
I would love to say tomorrow will be different, but our first soccer games are tomorrow. Guess after tomorrow, my focus will be on staying at home.
After I fetched Theresa (Three's new doll) from the basement, all is quiet in our house. I can hear the sounds of the football game coming through my window. The band, annoucer, cheering of the crowd, all make me think of games in our small MN town. Great memories. Amazing how the high school sports can bring the town together.
I was happy to see someone will read this. I hope to continue and that someone enjoys it. Thanks for the FB comments.
Thanks for listening. Happy reading!

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