Monday, May 28, 2012

A quiet Sunday evening for me

Last night N took the group fishing. I had a few hours to myself. I spent those hours running to the store for milk and a few other needed items. It was nice just to have Baby Girl with me and no other chaos. It was easier to focus on her when needed. I am slowing coming back to independence. It is hard for me to ask for help. I just feel the need to take things upon myself and get them done. Tomorrow I have my 6 week dr apt. It didn't occur to me until today what a challenge that trip could be. The office is a decent 20 + minute drive. I've never gone that far with the baby and Four alone. What if she screams the entire drive? This is a fact I've come to terms with, she'll just have to get used to it. I have driven with just her and I and yes, she did scream. She will learn. However, for this appointment, I really can't afford to have high blood pressure. I'm already down one point by not having my medication. I filled the refill last week, but never picked it up. Due to the weekend and holiday, it's been many days since I've had the medication. N asked to get off early, but I won't know if he can until tomorrow. Praying for approval and I won't take that trip to the dr. alone. Things will be different this summer. Life will be different. Tonight, N took them to the beach. Eight asked when we will all be able to go to the beach. He's such a sweet kid, considerate of others and aware of what is going on around him. I told him in a few more weeks. Honestly, I don't know when I'll feel comfortable taking her to the beach. She's just so small and it's so hot outside. Perhaps the end of the day would be better, when the sun isn't quite so intense. We will see where that takes us. For now, I will try to enjoy my time alone with Baby Girl. I have things I need to get done, just need her distracted or sleeping to do them. I was productive yesterday and today. I have all the laundry done from clothes to sheets and blankets. There was quite a bit from our guests. I made and wrote out thank you notes from the weekend, addressed almost all and will mail them tomorrow. I have gathered the forgotten items from my family and will mail them too. Next on my agenda: a shutterfly order! I have an announcement all ready to go. It's been in my cart for over a week. My coupons expire on the 31st, I need to get that done ASAP. Hopefully tonight. My plan is to move as quickly as I can with what I need to do. She was a little spoiled with so many adults around to hold her. Like the car, she's just going to have to get used to being put down. I can't have one of those babies. It just won't happen in this house. When she wakes up, I'll enjoy my quiet time with her. We spend all our time together and I know that's how she likes it.

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