Wednesday, May 16, 2012

All at the same time

Tonight we had two soccer games and an ice cream social, all at 6pm. So thankful tonight wasn't an evening shift for N. He seems to sometimes miss out on things with working the weekends, but nights like this make up for it. He took the soccer group, Baby Girl and I took Six to the ice cream social. It was a great event to experience with Six. He was really proud. He waved to each of his classmates. Even when they didn't see him, he still waved. He's so excited about his classmates and school. I can't believe how much he has grown. The end of the year seems to bring out the best in kids. With so many things ending, they seem to be excited about new beginnings. My group surprised me with all their talk about the next school year. Four has brought it up too. She mentioned how she will miss her preschool friends, but she will see some of them next year. Eight once again had a wonderful soccer game. He didn't score, but still has a great passion for soccer. I think he loves being a part of the team. I love watching him. I am looking forward to seeing Four in action as well. The family comes soon! We are very excited and have been planning our days. It's all coming together and falling into place. Tomorrow: worms in the dirt and Baby Girl will be sharing again.

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