Friday, May 11, 2012

Just when I think...

I've got it together, I fall apart. Eight was overwhelmed with going back to school today. He felt pressure he wasn't prepared. We decided I would take him in a little late. By the time I cleaned up and was ready to go, it was 10 am. N suggested he take him instead. I wanted to try make it to the grocery store before picking up Four. I wasn't even out of town and I decided to turn back. I only had one hour and it was too much. I felt guilty after seeing the look on Eight's face when he got into the car with N. I know he was disappointed I didn't take him with the baby. I hope to make it up to him today by picking them up. I haven't picked them up since Baby Girl was born. They want me to come eat lunch with them too, but I haven't been able to make that work yet either. Part of it has been not wanting to take the baby out. She doesn't need to be exposed to any more germs than she already has. She's only 3 weeks this week. We will go to lunch the week my family is here. Next week is the last week of preschool. Four bring treats on Monday. They do sharing on their treat day. I suggested she share her new sister at the end of class. The plan is to ask the teacher today for Monday's sharing. Six was disappointed N and I couldn't go to the school for the last day of parent centers. I went to all the others because I knew I'd miss the last. N has an appointment today and then work. I feel like I keep letting them down. I guess it just comes with having a baby and older kids. I knew I wouldn't be able to do it all. I thought I prepared them for this, but that doesn't mean change is easy for any of us. We just have to get through next week and then the reinforcements will be here. They are so excited about my parents trip. I've gotten quite a bit accomplished in preparation for their arrival. Just lots of organizational things I should have done a long time ago, sure feels good to get them done. What do I have left? Wipe down the laundry room. How does the LR get so dusty? We have to put the basement back together. The kids rolled up the rugs to roller blade. There are toys needing to be put away and I'd like to vacuum. My corner is some what of a disaster. I wish I'd gotten rid of more during the garage sale. Perhaps we just donate it and call it a day. We'll see. Some of it contains heavy lifting items, something I cannot do. Whatever we get done, it will all be fine. No big deal. After feeling overwhelmed today, I just decided to take it one day at a time. The store can wait. I will get what I really need in town and will not worry about the rest. I will focus on my kids and trying to have a nice weekend with them. We have a full day of soccer tomorrow. I am making a cake for Zinnia's E for first communion. I am excited to begin this project. It is my practice round to see what I can come up with before Eight's communion and Baby Girl's baptism. I know Four will want to be involved with her love for Cake Boss. New outlook on the day, tonight we bake and enjoy our time together. Yeah for Friday!

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