Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Well, we made it through Halloween. It was fun, but I hate to admit, not my favorite holiday. The parties at the school were wild, but a good time. I was able to go thanks to Mr. D who watched Three that afternoon. Did I mention that already? I can't even remember. It's been so long since I blogged. Halloween was good, but we got off on the wrong foot. We weren't ready when our friends were. We rushed out the door to catch up and didn't get good pictures. Oh well. I may have them get dressed one more time and stand in front of the house for fun. We carved our pumpkins that night due to N being at work. Just took longer than I thought. It was cool outside, I wasn't prepared with Three. At the last minute, she changed her mind about her costume. She went as Nemo, which was better because it was warmer. I forgot mittens for her though and had to run home for some. They had fun. Half way through, Five decided the heck with his headpiece. I was thankful because then he put on a hat to cover his ears. He looked like a Shepard boy or something. I know the only reason he was ok without the headpiece was because without he thinks he is Ben Kenobi. When he lost his belt, Zinnia said he looked like a waffle with a strawberry on top. He really did, but didn't appreciate the comment. You know his sensitive ego. I think they had just as much fun handing out candy as they did getting it. After the parties at school, Six said he wanted to save some of his candy to give to the kids that would come to our house. He is so sweet.
That was our weekend. Thankfully, they did not have school on Monday. We needed a day off to recover. We stayed home all day. It was nice. Today was a whirlwind though!
My first subbing job was today. It was only a half day with third grade. Three had preschool and we needed to vote. Once we were childless, we voted and hit the grocery store. N made some stew in the crock pot. We did not have RE tonight so I planned to go to the PTO meeting. I can never go because of teaching RE. Wouldn't you know, the day I go to sub, they call N into work for overtime. He was able to pick Three up from school, but had to go to work shortly after. Zinnia to the rescue! She picked her up and kept her until pick up after school . So glad she isn't working on Tuesdays anymore! We made it to PTO, excited for an hour without children. (They have free babysitting!) Or so we thought, the teenagers never showed up and I watched the kids while the meeting was going on. They were all perfect. They sat and colored during the meeting. I still had to run some to the bathroom and didn't get in on most of the meeting but oh well. It was nice. The principal made a comment about be being there ALL DAY. They have asked me back for next Friday. 4th grade this time, we will see how that goes. The third graders were nice. I enjoyed them. They know how to keep you on task. It was good to get back into the school again. Left me excited to do it again. Tomorrow I help in Five's classroom. Should be a busy day.

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