Friday, November 19, 2010

Just when we were on a role

Five put me up for a challenge this morning. He did not get on the bus like he was supposed to. All sorts of fuss over his coat. "Why does he have so many?" Was N's reaction. He was right. Why does he have so many? They were either left from last year or inherited. The church is having a coat drive this weekend. Guess we can narrow it down to one or two and donate the rest.
I struggle with the morning routine once again. We were doing great. The change is the winter clothing. There is too much protest. We watched the weather report this morning, it is time to bundle! Those were the exact words from the weather person. Now to wait for Five to accept the change. Hopefully next week will be better. They only have two days of school next week, then the holiday. Our plans are still not final. Looks like Wednesday we will go visit N's family. Thursday, we may stay at his Aunt and Uncle's for Thanksgiving, then stop and visit the new baby at his sisters house. We will see how it all turns out.

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