Thursday, November 18, 2010

For the Bible tells me so

I have heard this over and over today from Three. She is singing such sweet songs at preschool. Reminds me of my little sis and myself when we were younger. The boys are currently making a lot of noise in the garage. Not sure what they are doing, but glad they are getting it out of their systems.
7:30 bedtime! The Big Bang Theory and Greys, all in one night!
Not sure why, but everyone was very whiny tonight. From the moment they walked in the door, they were whining. We had an early supper and played outside. A snack and lots of books completed our night. Baths too were early, including a hair trim just before. That was not pleasant, Five is so very difficult with hair cuts. I don't know how that will ever get better.
I am happy to report on my Reformation ideas. We are kneeling at Five's bed each night to say the Our Father and then something each of us would like to pray for. Five reminds us each night. The Lord has found his way into that boys heart. He is always reminding us to pray. I am so grateful for him at those moments. Others, I am not sure why he acts the way he does, but it is all in His plan. He completes us with all his little quirks. He is getting better.
We still have tense moments, but I feel I am handling them much better. I was on a role with my workout, but did not make it today. I had a migraine, hopefully the last for this month. Tomorrow will be better. I had a terrible dream last night that the world was ending. Not sure where that came from, but it was stressful sleep.
It is amazing what changing your outlook on things can do for your spirit. I feel much better about many things after my Reformation blog. Perhaps putting it down and making such a statement helped me to really change my focus. We will see how the long weekend goes. We have many things to get done this weekend.
Six was reading to Five and Three tonight. I am loving this part!
Oh someone is still up. More to come....
It's Five, he needs to use the facilities. He comes and makes his announcement with a smile. He is wearing a baseball cap and new Darth Vader PJ top I found at Old Navy today for 99 cents.
My sister in law had a baby today. My mother in law called to share the news this morning. I was happy for them, but also sad. We have become very distant. I guess it is my fault for bringing up my frustrations with a situation last spring. I want to call, but really don't feel I can. When the situation was all said and done, I was left still feeling awkward. I do not regret standing up for myself. My greatest sadness is for the children. My kids loved spending time with theirs. We had wonderful times and made many great memories. She made it clear that the trust was gone. It is as if we are distant relatives and do not communicate anymore. So is life I guess. Not everyone gets along at all times. Maybe some day we will get together again. For now I will pray for them and their new addition. They have been on my mind many times for the last six months. Each time my kids mention them, I feel a pain in my heart. It has gotten better over time, I don't feel quite as sensitive about it anymore. Prayer and time will only tell.

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