Sunday, November 21, 2010

Things to know about Five

What is it to be Five?
It's Lego's and Nerf guns. It's learning to ride your bike without training wheels and daring to do tricks on your scooter. Our Five is independent and stubborn, determined and strong willed. He has many little quirks about himself, little ism's that make him unique. He is the joker in the bus line that makes the big kids smile. He reminds us to pray before our meals and at bedtime. He accommodates his little sister when she insists she is big. He wants tie shoes even though he can't tie. He tries new foods and thinks spinach is going to make him bigger than his older brother. He can call my bluff when he doesn't want to do something. He is a peacemaker between his siblings and others. He is a leader with his younger friends. He can completely frustrate me, wanting to pull out my hair. He is concerned about the feelings of others. He needs a particular wardrobe that accommodates only him. He needs to decide what to wear and when without suggestions from anyone. He is sold on clothing from other kids that he knows. He loves to hear stories about living in Texas before he goes to bed. He is eager to read and write. Sometimes he reminds me of my dad. There are some similarities there besides the name John. He is eager to please me and notices things that I do. He can spy things in a room, Grandpa calls him I spy. Grandpa says "The eyes (I's) have it!" He is kind and loving. He likes to sleep with his baby blanket folded under his pillow. He is proud to be in his Sunday school class and lead his sister. He enjoys all his new friends from school. He is eager to play with others. He can page me from anywhere in our house. He likes to know where I am in the house. He likes to use a blanket from my bed and be wrapped up like in a sleeping bag. He loves to draw and color. He wants to do his older brothers homework. He cares what others think and at the same time does not. He wore play clothes to church our entire first summer in Michigan. He wore no clothes our last two weeks in Minnesota. He loves flip flops and hated tennis shoes for many months. He loves pictures from the past. He loves going to Grandma's house. He loves animals. He once wanted a lion for a pet instead of fish because "fish are boring." This was after his fish was eaten by the other fish. He had the most unique Halloween costume and didn't care if no one knew what he was supposed to be. He wants to wear shorts outside when it is under 45 degrees. He loves telling our neighbor stories and always wants to go to her house. He loves adult toothpaste and enjoys using flossers. He is the worst customer for a haircut, but did great at the dentist. He loves his Aunt J's basement and all her treasures. He misses going to her house. He can give a friend a nick name that will stick. He thinks of others for awhile after he has heard what happened to them and stays concerned. He loves babies and prays for his little cousins. He is almost always the first one awake in our house. He loves to bake and frost cookies. He likes to get messy, but not too messy. He does not like sunscreen. When he learned to swim, he was always under the water. He got his first pair of goggles when he was three and barely came up for air. He gets frustrated easily, but can turn it around just as quickly as the frustration came.
He did not get on the bus on Friday morning. He looked at me with big eyes, took off and ran for home. He was scared, yet confident. He did not want to wear the coat he had on. He was worried about its length and that people would laugh at him. It is the same length on him as the rest of the children. It looks almost identical to the other boy getting on the bus. He changed his coat three times before going to the bus stop. Three was shocked when he ran away from the bus stop. It is unheard of to miss the bus! I love Five with all my heart and cannot imagine our family without him. He is a great kid and wonderful son. He makes us laugh daily. I cannot wait to see what he grows up to be. Whatever it is, I am sure he will be brilliant at it.

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