Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday Monday

Monday has become my day to really get the house in shape. We had lots of extra things to accomplish today. We did almost all of them, except cleaning the fish tank. I dread cleaning the fish tank. I have to get it done sooner than later. It was the thing I could not think of to add to my list until I went into the boys room.
I feel I am always trying to find ways to change things around the house. I made a "honey do" list for N today. It's not too long, 4 or 5 things. Hopefully we get it done sooner than later.
Three was too funny today. We went out to the store. She was dressed in brown leggings with a brown shirt and a navy blue skirt with a pink and white pattern. She had white socks and ruby red shoes! I was going to make her change, but N said she looked great and we should go. So, away we went! She was complete with a red Christmas bag to keep our list in. She has grown used to not being able to get everything she wants at the store. She has caught on to why we aren't getting it by saying "because it's not on sale?" We are working on it.
Five came home very dirty. He confessed to me he fell in the mud at school. He seemed pretty worried when telling me his story. I guess he wasn't wet, still not sure I understood it all. This week I teach the boys German. I have 20 + plates to draw birds on for the kids to decorate. I already did 20 so I am halfway there. I am trying to get everything together for this week and the weeks to come. We have lots planned in a short time before we make the big journey to MN! The kids are so excited. They already have a ton of snow. A classmate from high school called me tonight to make some plans. Should be fun. I am anxious to see everyone and excited to attend a new years eve wedding!
I have been recently in touch with a friend from Romania. I am so thankful for the Internet and bringing my European group of friends back together. She has a beautiful daughter I may have never seen without Facebook. Looking forward to getting to know her all over again!
We had a nice evening today that will end with a movie for N and I. I hope your night was as good as ours.

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