Saturday, January 22, 2011

Where did the week go?

The boys did not have school on Monday. The week flew by. I was called into sub on Thursday, complete surprise! Three was in the car, ready to go to preschool. My plan was to hit the gym with Zinnia while she was at preschool. I had French braided both our hair for fun. I figured I was only going to the gym, oh well and it made her happy. Well, I taught second grade with my hair braided. Not a look I usually go with, but oh well. I think I pulled it off in my 20's, but now maybe not so much. Oh well. There are worse things I guess.
The boys had a good week. Thursday I was able to eat lunch with Five. N and Three met Six for lunch. They all had hot lunch, which is a real treat. Mini corn dogs and mac and cheese, every kids dream. Well, maybe not every, but quite a few. We let the boys eat hot lunch once a week. They pick the day and everyone is happy. I am disappointed at the junk they serve for lunch at their school. I may have mentioned this before, but its the only disappointment I have so far with the school.
I have been doing well with my workout schedule. I've logged 3-5 miles per day, except Wed and Thurs of this week. Today, I am lost for motivation as well since I have a slight headache. Yesterday I did 4 miles before the boys needed breakfast before school! I thought it was crazy, but I knew I was watching Tulips kids and wouldn't fit it in any other time.
Three and I went through the boxes in the basement for 2.5 hours yesterday. We are getting ready for the big garage sale in April. We will be parting with many more items this year than last. I can't believe how different a year makes. Last year we were looking for anything for potty training motivation. This year, we can part with all of it. I have a handful of potty seats and potty books. Looking forward to cleaning out the clutter of our storage.
April will be here before I know it. I have even been able to price some clothing items already. That is the part that will sneak up on me and I don't want to be pricing things last minute before the sale. I am sure there will still be plenty to get ready, especially since spring break and Easter are right before the Walleye festival. Also N and Six will have birthdays then. We hope to make it to Mpls for a little vacation.

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