Friday, January 14, 2011

The Library Book Mystery

I am not a fan of the library. We had a sour experience this summer leaving us with a very very used Shark book and $20 less. The school forces library books upon us parents. Each boy comes home with a library book on Friday. Last Friday was my surprising sub job. I saw Five on his way back from the library in the hallway. He gave me his library book and headed back to class. I stashed it in my purse under the teachers desk and continued with my afternoon. After school we headed to Zinnia's house right away for the evening. It wasn't until Sunday night I realized the library book was missing. I looked everywhere. I checked the car to see if it fell out of my purse. I checked the bag I took into Zinnia's house with PJ's and snow pants. I checked his backpack, the book shelf, the book basket, etc. EVERYWHERE! Zinnia turned her house upside down. She looked under couch cushions, in her book basket, book shelf, etc.
Today at the bake sale I just happen to ask the teacher I subbed for if she found a library book under her desk. She did! She asked all her kids who's book it was. They separate and go to specials with other teachers. It was not unusual for her kids to maybe have gotten another students book. She took it back to the library and found out it was Five's, but did not know he was my son. So, the missing library book was found. Now if I can get my scholastic book order figured out, poor Mr. L got a message from me about the missing library book and missing book order. At least one mystery was solved today.

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