Sunday, January 30, 2011

From the mouths of babes

On our way to the park for sledding, the term bare hands was brought up between the three in the back seat. Three politely stated "We don't have bear hands." More and more of my days remind me of an episode of Word Girl.
I have had to explain many words recently. Of course it is hard to recall them now, I should write them down as they come up.
It was a warm day, perfect for sledding. Zinnia's son J called and invited us. It was perfect timing, right when N came home from work. I almost forgot about getting them outside today. We were not outside yesterday and it was rough. They had way too much energy that needed to be released.
We have a renewed interest in McQueen cars. They were quite entertained with the nice collection Grandpa J has provided over the years. The new Cars 2 movie might have had something to do with it, or cleaning the basement and finding our collection. Doesn't matter what the source was, as long as it means happy, content and quiet for everyone in the house.
Three was sick on Friday night. It was rough. Apart from our two illnesses on our trip, we have not been sick this winter. She was up every hour all night until 4 am or so. She finally slept then and stayed asleep until 10am. It was like musical beds for N and myself. He finally wound up in her room after 1am or so. I felt bad since he had to work the next morning. At least he didn't work in the morning, we had a nice, calm morning before he left. The illness left us with a Rug Doctor rental for the day. Since I had the machine, I might as well use it. Wow. I could not believe how bad our carpet was. I did a large section of the living room and areas in all three bedrooms. It does look better, but I am not sure how long it will last. Maybe it will be alright until summer.
I hate how easy I can be overwhelmed. This morning, I wasn't sure we would make it out the door in time. One can have enough time to get the things done in the morning that need to be done, but will everyone cooperate? Will they follow my directions/orders/requests in a timely fashion? Not so much this morning. I try to have patience. I try to say a quick prayer for guidance. Once they were not listening, I sat them down and laid it all out. I told them what we had to do and what the consequences would be if they did not do them. We were supposed to be at a birthday party for our neighbor today. We did not go due to Three having been sick on Friday. She was fine today and had been free of a fever for 24 hrs, but I didn't want to risk one of the boys getting sick tonight and then feel guilty of getting someone else's child sick. I think we are home free, but I am still prepared. Five has slept on a mattress on the floor all weekend. He requested this continue tonight. I hope I didn't put another thing for him to worry about and now he won't want to sleep on the top bunk. We will see where it takes us.
For now, I will prepare for the up coming week ahead. Laundry is nearly done and back packs are ready. Monday, here we come!

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