Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I have no motivation today. Rough night with Six last night. Poor boy is having sleeping issues. Not sure what we should do about it yet, but it might involve more time outside.
I was awake from 3-5 or so. No one woke up early and I slept on the couch until 8! We had to fly through breakfast. In the end, they made it out the door, teeth brushed and fed. Hot lunch today at school along with a bonus hot lunch yesterday. I completely forgot their lunches yesterday. Each week we read them the menu and they pick one day for hot lunch. I admit, I have forgotten their lunch before, but very rarely. I usually remember and remind them to get hot lunch. I had no clue all day, until pick up time and Six told me.
Three and I cleaned up today and started laundry. We have a play date after school where we are to bring garlic bread and salad. Forgot garlic bread yesterday and haven't made the salad yet.
I blew a hole in the back of my shoes. These are the shoes I wear every day, all day long. I have had them for almost a year. My feet hurt when not in these shoes. We were going to go get another pair today, but in the light of spending money on shoes, I decided to get them tomorrow when she is at preschool. Why spend my gas on driving to town when I have to tomorrow?
Big birthday party for our one year old neighbor on Sunday. So excited for him. He is the sweetest thing. Have a project in the works for him and I am going to try to make some bread rolls for the party. I have tried frozen bread rolls in the past and have failed. Hope to get it right this time and keep it up. We will see how it works out!
Everyone was in tears yesterday about doing homework, etc. They lost the Lego's during the week. I thought we need to get to bed earlier, but that didn't seem to be the solution either. I don't know what sort of funk we are in. Many are sick at school. Just bracing myself for that to come to our house.

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