Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The truth, the whole truth

Today, my kids were being difficult. I have a hard time with silliness when it is not appropriate. The silliness led to more and irritated me further. During their snack, they were still silly. Once a bowl of cereal with milk was on the floor, I was done. To their rooms they went, lights out by 7:30. I couldn't help it. Before the bedtime, we had a good conversation. I told them today I heard two families in the school district will be evicted from their homes. After explaining what this meant, I also told them the principal discussed how they can tell when some kids come to school, they haven't eaten since the day before. I brought up how hungry the kids were today when they came home, how would they feel if their wasn't any food to eat until school tomorrow. I think it really made them think. They asked question and were satisfied with the answers. It put things back into perspective. They realize how fortunate we are. We talked about helping people more. A friend is going to get food ready for the two families. I hope we can help some how, too.

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