Wednesday, November 14, 2012

5 AM

Wide awake at 5 AM and starving, if you've ever been a nursing mother, you know what I am talking about. It's difficult to have so many things to juggle in the middle of the night. Screaming baby, sleep deprivation and than the horrible hunger pain that becomes so strong it can make you nausea. While I had these experiences more in the beginning, today I find myself back there again, starving at 5 AM. She's been sleeping much better lately, thank the Lord! Last night was close to chaos at our house. They came home, all high spirited and happy. This continued, even though they were hungry. We've made our meal right away two days in a row to accommodate our schedule and hunger. I really wanted to take some Christmas pictures of them to get a project complete for the grandparents. After a trip to the craft store, I came home with some pretty flowers for hair accessories. They ate while I glued. I showered Five and Baby Girl, then dried and fixed Five's hair. Boys showered and were shiny and clean. Once we got started, it all backfired. No one would cooperate. Baby Girl was screaming, hungry and tired. I didn't even get her dressed. Silliness set in and I was irritated. I gave up. Sent the boys upstairs and eventually took a few of Five. She's had dry lips and has been licking her mouth too much. She's got a line of red under her bottom lip. That was no good. In the end, it just didn't work. I will try again tonight, but at a different location. My neighbors have a beautiful fireplace in their basement. After school, we will head over there. Normally, I wouldn't be in such a hurry to get this done, but alas, a coupon deadline has me motivated.

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