Friday, November 16, 2012

Fridays fun

The day began slightly stressed. Trying to get everyone out the door, including myself, proved to be close to chaos. It went as well as can be, I was on my way shortly by 9. Today was Ikea day! Yes, two friends and I had a great day at Ikea. After a nice lunch at Chili's, we were able to wander around Ikea and find the treasures we wanted to bring home. Baby Girl did a great job, she was perfect company for our journey. My whole trip was based on getting new desks for the kids. They are cheap, but will work. $20 each, couldn't have done it for less than that. We have chairs, I will paint each child a chair. They've been waiting for awhile on these desks and were thrilled I was going to get them today. I found some other great things to bring to our house. Two new rugs, but I'm not crazy about the runner for the front door. Might try to find something else. I love the rug, but its tan. Everything in our house is tan and white. We can't paint the walls. Tan doesn't do much for our entry. An 8 pack of colorful hangers caught my eye. They are bigger than kid hangers, but smaller than regular hangers. I found a three pack of wooden cars/trucks for Cousin #9. He will be two in a few days. We also got him a Tigers t-shirt. We've got a new project going on for Christmas gifts. I picked up a few things to work on it. They are turning out better than I thought. Um...we stopped at Michaels after and I found some pretty purple flowers to make hair clips with. I also got some canvas prints for Christmas gifts. As a treat, I bought a new picture frame to put the kids Christmas pictures in. N wasn't feeling well tonight and stayed home from work. The kids were to be picked up from school by Zinnia and brought to her house until I got home. Instead, she brought them straight to our house. I guess this upset her group quite a bit. Not sure how mine felt at the time, but I hope they rolled with the change. Everyone was in a great mood when I got home, just before 6 pm. It turned out to be a great night. N was home. He put together one desk. Everyone was pleased.

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