Friday, July 20, 2012

Lets get together, yeah, yeah, yeah

The Parent Trap has to be one of my favorite movies from my childhood. The song came in my head when recently trying to coordinate receiving two of the ten cousins. We're lobbying for Cousins #5 and #6 to come stay at our house for a week. We'll see if it works out. The problem is there are so many factors to consider and work out. First, she has to be willing to let the children come. Second, we need to leave two of ours behind in order to have enough room to bring two back. This involves one of my great friends. I've got it all figured out for picking them up, but not sure how we will get them back. I'm praying for assistance from that side of the family, but not counting on it. If I have to drive them back myself, I guess I will. N would probably take them before going to work before letting me drive. It seems so stressful to figure out. Is it worth it? We can't find a library book the library says we didn't return. This is enough to make me quit the library again. I have no idea where it is. We were really good at keeping the books together downstairs. I really thought we returned it last time we were there. I renewed it and will keep looking. They are going to check at the library. I guess this happens more than you'd think. Just one more thing to add to my chaos in this life. What else is on my mind? OH how I don't have enough time to type it all out. Picnic with the Pastor is next week. I am really looking forward to it, but have to make my dessert first. I want to try a new recipe my mother makes, but have to get to the store for the right stuff. My shampoo and body wash are on sale this week. I hope to get to the store to make a purchase before the sale ends. I've been trying to figure out refills for some of my medication. What a frustrating thing that has turned out to be. I'm considering switching dr's offices over it. That's a frustrating step in itself. We'll see. They won't help me out until the end of September. Thankfully my OB is so very cooperative and willing to work with me, but I need that from the regular doc too. The elliptical broke. I mean really broke. A big metal part came off. The company that makes it went out of business. The place we bought it from will see if they can find the part, but can't promise us anything. N will take it apart and in. If they can't help, he will bring it to the auto body place to have them weld it together. I'd been disgusted with myself for not getting on there. It's been three months since we've had Baby Girl. I told myself after N's vacation time I would add it to my daily duties. Then it broke. Great. I've been swimming laps at the pool and that has made me feel better. We went two days in a row, but I only swam laps one of those days. It's hard when I need someone to watch Baby Girl when I swim. Just another thing to coordinate. So much of my life depends on other people. I can't believe it. Well, can't believe I squeezed all this in. I have to wake up the baby, who wouldn't go to sleep, and get the troops ready to go get my prescription. The kind nurse from my OB called in 5 pills for me for the weekend. If needed, I will have to drive all the way to the OB next week. This coming week is so completely full, I can't believe it. The following week, we have nothing; yet.

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