Saturday, December 8, 2012

One rough week

This was a challenging week in our household. With Seven having a stomach bug on Saturday, foolish me thought since everyone was fine on Sunday, perhaps we'd be home free. No such luck. Five woke up at 6 am, which she never does, and was sick. Off the boys went to school and I cleaned everything again while taking care of Five. Just before 1:30, I get a phone call from the school. Eight got sick in the classroom. Happy to report he made it to a trash can. Good thing I thought to bring a bucket because he was still sick in the car. We created a spot for Five on the floor since she was feeling better, Eight got the couch. Baby Girl seemed to have a touch of it later on. She was spitting up after eating and didn't want any food. Enough said on that subject, everyone was better by Tuesday and back to school. Once again, foolish me thought we were in the clear. Wednesday night N and I got it. Yuck. I felt better after getting the kids to school on Thursday, but poor N didn't feel better until the middle of Friday. It was rough. Friday brought sadness to N's family and friends. A 37 year old friend passed away suddenly. They still do not know why he died. His family won't have answers for 6-8 weeks. The family was close to N's family growing up. They had 4 boys and later adopted a girl. The second to the oldest boy passed away. He was a year older than N. I remember when 37 seemed old, not so much anymore. His mother was amazing with the entire situation. She talked about how she knew she was going to have hard days, but her son lived his life to the fullest, he was not in despair. Many people spoke kind words about him. He was the guy who, no matter how much money he had, he'd help make sure your electricity stayed on and you had food to eat. A neighbor told a funny story about how they were going to leave vegetables from the garden at the parents house, but didn't want anyone to know. They were nearly caught by the son hauling dishes out of the mothers house. What was he doing? He'd brought his dishes over to load in the dishwasher, wash, and take home. It lightened the mood. After we went to a lunch at the pastors church hall. Miss D came over after school to get the kids off the bus. She came on the morning to get them on the bus so we could leave early. She kept Five and Eight for the evening. Seven was invited by Daisy and son to go swimming. They also attended open gym at the gymnastics facility and he was tired when he arrived home. Baby Girl is up. Guess I have to hope to finish my week another day. I'll just add that today no one wanted to go to church. For some reason, I started singing a new song from church. Everyone's mood changed and we made it on time. It was great for our night. Tomorrow: we begin holiday baking! Five can't wait. Baby Girl is pulling herself up along the couch now. She's wanting to stand all the time. Time is really up now.

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