Sunday, December 2, 2012

It's a beautiful day

We are in for a beautiful Sunday. It feels like a spring morning outside, already at 7 am. Yesterday was pretty low key as Seven was sick. He felt better by the end of the day and we should be ready to go. Everyone slept all night, I pray no one else gets sick. Even though he was sick, we still had some pretty good conversations. We are preparing for his first reconciliation. Five was all about answering and could make the sacrament, too. They get it and that makes me proud. With a sick kid camped out in the living room, the last thing I wanted to do was decorate for Christmas. After a phone call with Orchid, Five really wanted to decorate. I agreed, but the tree would have to wait. By the time we were done, Seven was on the mend and off the couch. I am thankful we did decorate, it set a nice tone for the end of the day. I moved their desks together next to the bulletin board. I really like how they are arranged. It is not what the new owners wanted, but gives us more space. I agreed to their arrangement for the start, but adding a tree to the room will cause even more spacial issues. I feel as if we are busting at the seams in this house. I hope we can move up sooner than later, but I am not anxious until we can afford the one we want. There are two currently listed that I would take and could move right in to, no compromises. Until we can get one of those, I will be patient and wait. One step at a time. We refinanced our house and that is near the end process. It's all heading in the right direction. Still trying to iron out our holiday plans. Turns out we will only have one day with Orchid and her family. We're considering driving back that direction to avoid a hotel fee. We'll see. It's still in the works. I can't believe how busy this week will be. Today we have a reconciliation meeting after mass. Tomorrow is RE and Eight has the Frosty Shoppe at school. Tuesday is a book giveaway for Seven. Wednesday N works over time. Thursday and Friday are Frosty Shoppe for Five and Seven. The Frosty Shoppe is a store they set up at school for the kids to buy Christmas presents for family and friends. At first, it irritated me. Just another thing to shell out money for. After attending and helping, I totally see why they have this program. The kids are so excited and it is really a nice process. I will divide our people between the three kids. They can choose a gift for the person on their list. It's fun to see what they think the people on their list will like. I will help with Seven and Five, but not Eight. Thursday is first reconciliation. It will be a nice night for our family as N will be able to attend with us. Last year it was on a Sunday and I did it all by myself. It will be a nice experience for Seven and Eight. I admit, I feel I've failed in taking Eight and hope to change that for all three of us. The neighbors who have the bus stop at their house moved this weekend. The new bus stop will be our house in the am. After school, the kids will still get off up the road. I think it will be a nice change,they won't have to be waiting outside in the winter. The kids next door were thrilled with this news. I've finished the dresser project I've been working on in the garage. I decided I want to put new hardware on it. Hope to pick that up either today or tomorrow. N got supplies to make bunk beds for the girl room. Nice changes to come to that space. Five is excited. Times up. She's at my feet.

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