Sunday, November 24, 2013

Just another Sunday

I love Sundays. It's a day when we don't have to rush out the door. Today is our church Thanksgiving potluck. It's been awhile so we need to have another potluck. Fr. B continues to bring us together, and food is usually involved. My pumpkin bars are done, ready to frost and go. The kids are just as excited as I am. Poor N will miss out. He has the am shift. It snowed for the first time yesterday. Oh were there happy children when they realized what was outside. We have a row of trees in the back yard. They've made a fort in a section. Our backyard is just what I wanted. It's not too big, but fenced in and the right size for my group. They can be out there and I don't have to worry about them too much. They were outside twice yesterday. Some days, outside time seems challenging when it's rainy Michigan weather. They don't get to go out for recess. They are all cooped up and get wild. Those days, I am thankful for the basement. I can send them down there, and not have to be involved with the chaos directly. Lately, we've been struggling with behavior problems. I have been so discouraged with the children and myself. I get frustrated way too easily. It's not too bad, but still disappoints me. We've had too many upsetting days. Part of it is trying to deal with Eight and his ever changing mood. He's started OT to get some of his frustrations under control. Turns out he has weakness in his hands, thus his hate for writing. He wants to wear tight clothing because the tightness is a self soothing mechanism, keeping him on task at school. He works so hard all day long staying on top of things and being good at school. When he gets home, he can relax and lets go. Sometimes the pressure will cause him to blow up. Doing homework can be too much to ask. Just another expectation that frustrates him. This situation has taken over our day/night many times. We're finally doing better in the am with him. One day at a time. If we don't do homework right after school, the entire night can fall apart. It's a challenge we are still working on. His teacher says she doesn't see any different behavior at school. He does very well. Our challenges are at home. We've been praying more to remedy this situation. I'm trying my best, all we can do is keep trying and keep praying. Six can be a challenge in the am too. If it's not one, it's another. She does alright as long as she gets enough sleep. Would you believe a difference of as little as 20 minutes more sleep time can change her attitude? I've discovered it's best for her to be in her bed before 8. She always falls asleep with a book in her hands or on her face. I turn out her light and move the book away each night. She's such a good girl. I've also tried really hard to not have an opinion on her clothing choices. I will let her wear whatever she likes, as long as it's weather appropriate. Sometimes, that is a challenge. The ever changing MI temps make it difficult. For awhile, she wanted to go without socks. Reluctantly, I said okay. Eventually it was not an issue, as the temps began to lower. She's doing very well in school. She gets all her spelling words right every week. It was that way with Nine when he was in first grade. She loves her teacher and her classmates. I was fortunate to sub for the gym teacher last week. I got to teach Six and her class. It was great fun to see the kids in action. I love spending time at the school. Friday was the kindergarten bake sale. Only one more sale in January. They decided one bake sale per class this year. Too bad, I know the teachers could have used the extra funds. Last year, Eight and his class got to go on two field trips with bake sale money. It was out of my hands as far as how many each grade could have. Nine is doing great, too. He is such a good boy. Every morning he gets up, gets dressed, packs his lunch and is ready for breakfast when I get up. He nearly always wakes up at 6. He asks me to make his sandwich in his lunch, otherwise he does the rest on his own. All of last year and so far, all of this year he has taken his own lunch. He still has the same money in his account from the first day of school in 3rd grade. He does very well in school. I am so proud of him. Our other challenge this year was attending faith formation at our church. I teach Six and her class on Tues nights. I signed the boys up to attend class that same night. Well, Nine wasn't so comfortable with the teachers. Eight wanted to be with his friend on Monday night. Long story short, the boys go on Monday, girls on Tuesday. It works out well. I always struggle with spending quality time with the kids individually. This is forever a struggle with N and his schedule too. Attending faith formation two different nights gives N quality time with the girls on Monday nights and quality time with the boys on Tuesday nights. Too bad it will all end in January. Just when I get it figured out, it will all change. N put in to have Sundays off in January. While I am thankful for him being home on Sundays, the pay cut and change in schedule will be difficult. We will see. Change is hard. Guess that is all for now. Better get a move on for church. Happy Sunday to whomever is still reading these!

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