Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

Tonight was a good night for our family. Kids came home, crabby about going to church. We made it barely on time and I had my doubts about the rest of the night. Wouldn't you know, the short service was just what we needed to get on the right track. We came home to a wonderful night together. Eight had N shave his head into a Mohawk for crazy hair day. Seven desperately needed a haircut as well, but of course met the idea with much protest. When it was his idea to cut off the long part in the back, he agreed. No money was exchanged, we didn't even have to bribe him! I was able to paint Fives nails for her valentines party tomorrow. I usually do not do that, but when we came upon the polish, it seemed like a good idea. We even put sparkles on her nails. We decided as a family what we would give up for Lent. There has been more yelling than I'd like to admit in this house lately. We decided to give up yelling. We have a small jar in the kitchen. If you yell, you have to put a paper clip in the jar. You get to take it out when you do a good deed for someone else. We hope to have no paper clips by the time Lent is done. We are also not going to eat food at McDonalds or Burger King. Not that we do that much, I can not recall our last meal there. Everyone was on board and happy. Here's to a great start of change this Lenten season!

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