Saturday, January 5, 2013

I wanted a label maker for Christmas

It wasn't until now I remembered wishing for a label maker. Not sure why that thought came to my mind, but it did. I continue to attempt to eliminate the clutter, but creeps in. Still unpacking, we are slowly getting back to normal. Three suitcases remain in the living room, all full of clean clothes. The tree is still up as are all Christmas decorations. It is hard to get it all done. I worked on it all day yesterday, slightly distracted by organizing Five's room. Add all the new Christmas gifts only makes me want to organize in a new way. We're still just looking online at houses, there are a few that would work, but none that get me really excited. We've decided we need 4 bedrooms. Time is up. Sorry again for not writing more. We did have a great Christmas, but the trip home was terrible. We have to break it up more, there's no way around it.

1 comment:

Denise said...

I love my label maker... It takes some work and perseverance to train the kids, but it slowly helps in the clutter battle! Yea for label makers!