Sunday, January 13, 2013

It's been awhile

My entries have been next to null these days. Not sure what the excuse is, lack of energy, too busy with all of life, exhausted at the end of the day or just no motivation. Any one of those could be my reason, but I can't decide which it is. Guess it must be a combination of all. I don't want to jinx myself, but I think we've got Baby Girl on a regular sleep schedule. Only took us 9 months! Not really, our trip to MN left her with lots of bad habits. She's back on track and I am so pleased. Today was our first meeting for Seven and his confirmation prep. Perhaps that is where my inspiration has come from. I was so happy with the things discussed. Discouraged at the same time. Sad that N misses out on these things. I can't do justice to try to repeat it all to him. The experience, fellowship and time with our kids at the church cannot be repeated at home. Everyone is in a different place once we are home. Different attitudes and answers. It was a great session and we came home ready for change, at least I did. I had forgotten the suggestion Fr. B had offered during our baptismal prep class. He suggested blessing your children when they leave to get on the bus and remind them they are a child of God. I had wanted to start doing this, but the idea slipped my mind. We discussed it on the ride home and everyone was in agreement this is something we want to add to our routine. I will catch Seven blessing Baby Girl on his own, completely random moments. I am so proud of him for this, but then struggle to wonder why he does these things and Eight does not. Where did I fail Eight? He just has a different personality than Seven. He's a thinker. Seven will act first, think later. Seven has been invited to a sleep over on Friday night. While I have no worries about where he is going, I can't help but want all my ducklings under one roof. I hate to let him go. This must be what it was like for my parents. I can't help but think of when they put me on the plane to Germany for 9 months. 18 and naive. I have to get better at this. I feel so strong about this when he is seven, will it get worse? I wish Eight could find a good friend like Seven has. Seven has a number of good friends. Five lost her first tooth last week. She was so proud! She came home from school and found me right away. I had a 3 day migraine last week. Wednesday she came straight to my bedroom to show me. In the morning she told me she has a wiggly tooth, but I just got her out the door, on to the bus. It could have been her head wiggling, I didn't really pay attention. Sure enough, snack time was pretzels and her tooth came right out. Seven needs to follow in suit, his top teeth are coming in and the other two keep moving. He looks more like Mater every day. Well, I believe that is all for now. Hope to please some readers, if you're still reading. Happy Monday to all!

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