Friday, January 11, 2013

Lets get together

Again, it's been awhile. What's new? Kids are back to school and finally back to normal. The first week back was a little rough. Baby Girl, I pray, is going to start to sleep better again. She's saying no to all baby food and is slowly saying yes to new things. Her spirits are high and she is happy. We're back to sleep training again. The trip to MN messed her up. Lots of bad habits picked up. Today is day 2. I feel so disappointed in myself that we're still on this road. Many different factors were present when training the other kids. I wish she had her own room. I think that made things easier. Just before Christmas, we got a new washing machine. I hated to spend money like that just before the holiday, but I am thankful it wasn't too much of an issue. I am in love with the new machine! It's amazing. I don't have to worry about load size anymore. It's great and I am incredibly thankful. Warm weather is coming this weekend, while MN is getting a storm. Praying for everyone to be safe.


Denise said...

Washing machines are a very important part of the family! :) I hope baby girl is sleeping well soon!!!

K said...

Thanks! I didn't see your comments until tonight. Haven't been on top of this lately. I will have to look in to a label maker purchase. Any suggestions? Store? Price? Perks? : )