Saturday, August 10, 2013

Life without a microwave

I hate to admit how much I use the microwave. I really didn't think I depended on it as much as I do. Take it out of the picture, you quickly find out how much easier it makes your life. We can't reheat things quickly. We usually heat up our coffee in the microwave. Baby Girl tends to sleep through lunch, I find myself heating up her meal later. Today she gets peanut butter bun. We've been home for many days in a row and its starting to show. I may have to get them out today. They've been after each other this am. Poor Five. Most of the time, all too often it's her vs. the boys. She gets so very frustrated with them. I wish I could just have her go play with a friend some days. We used to have that set up, but not so much anymore. It's hard when distance is created in friendships. You don't feel like you can just call at the last minute and set up the play date. School is right around the corner. I can't believe all we have to do before then. I printed out the lists. I only have a couple things per child, we have a ways to go. I feel bad I didn't meet some of my summer goals. I wanted to set up some play dates with friends, never happened. I am not sure where July went. Here we are, almost the 2nd week in August and I still feel like I haven't accomplished enough. My new goal, just take it one thing at a time. So what if it doesn't go the way I planned. I've got to just roll with it. I'm still not feeling good. I can't afford to be frustrated, it will only make me feel worse. So what if the baby room isn't all painted before we move in. Would it be nice, yes. Will it get done, probably not. Is it the end of the world? No. Perhaps I just focus on that part after the kids are back to school. Baby Girl has become part monkey. She's constantly climbing on things. I've caught her sitting on the kitchen table playing with the snowmen hanging from the light fixture. Yes, I still have the snowmen up. Guess when we move out I'll take them down. She's a turkey and we love her. Her little personality is shining through every day. She's got so many words for 15 months! Yesterday she said watermelon! She's also said the name of her little friend, Hudson. Somehow, she thinks its okay to go down the stairs facing forward. It is scary to watch, but she doesn't fall. Guess that's all for now. Hopefully I can keep this going!

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