Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Getting stuff done

Slowly, but surely I am getting things crossed of my never ending list. While yesterday seemed so rough, today has been surprisingly pleasant with a few minor hiccups. I took all 4 kids to the chiropractor yesterday. I've had friends watch them so many times lately it seems, I hated to ask. Also, I believe no one was free. I went prepared, only to be flustered before we left the house. We were able to take it easy in the morning, the appointment wasn't until 12:50. I fed them a late breakfast/early lunch. I wanted it to be substantial so they wouldn't be hungry as soon as we left the house. They love egg sandwiches and we had tons of sub buns in the freezer. I thawed 4 in the microwave. Seven stated he didn't want a sandwich. Fine. I can do that. Well, he changed his mind once he saw his order. I pointed to the bag of buns and told him to toss one in the microwave. I use the defrost setting normally, but his had been out for awhile and wasn't completely frozen anymore. They've been using the microwave for many years now. Our rule is one one/11. That's all they are allowed to use. Occasionally something will require two two/22. I don't know what he pushed, but the next thing I know the microwave is smoking. Yellow smoke coming out. The entire kitchen filled with smoke. The kids instinct was to rush Baby Girl upstairs. I didn't even tell them. They whisked her away while I took the glass tray with the burning bun into the back yard. They all grabbed the fans in their rooms and we tried to blow the smoke out. Every window and door was open, even the garage. I couldn't believe it. Good thing this wasn't right before we had to leave. That was enough excitement for one morning. I was surprised no one mentioned a smoke smell on any of us at the varies places we visited that day. Perhaps they were too kind to say anything. We made it through the 10 minute chiropractor appointment. Baby Girl wandered down the hall, inspecting the room I was in. The big kids were supposed to watch her, but lately she screams if they get in her way. It was harmless her coming down the hall. They colored in the lobby. After that, I was exhausted, but the day must go on. Home to make a nice lunch. N was due home shortly from the early shift. BBQ chicken sandwiches, chef salad, sweet potatoes and corn on the cob were on the menu. By the time I got it all together and done, N was home. Just enough time for me to eat, beg everyone to clean up and head to the dentist. Yup. Not my favorite place. Sure disappointed in myself when I left my cleaning with two small cavities. 45 minutes in the dentist chair and I thought of Daffodil when I heard Debbie Gibson and Belinda Carslisle. How many instruments can they fit in your mouth at once? It's been awhile and I'd forgotten what that experience was like. Survived another event in the day. By the time I got home, I was spent. Disappointed when I walked in the door to find the baby had just laid down for her nap. I had wanted her to be napping while I was gone, not until 5 pm. On with the day. After an hour nap for her and N, we were ready to plan the rest of our day. I wanted to hit the pool. I've been having neck problems and them same headache for 2 weeks. The pool always calms and relaxes me. Five was the only one who wanted to go. The boys complained. N was not interested. I just felt more and more stressed. I couldn't find the things we needed. No one wanted to go. I could make them all go, but N didn't really want to. I didn't feel up to being able to take all four kids alone. In the end, just Five and I went. It was just what I needed. We went at our own pace. We swam where we wanted. We did a few laps, then went to the lazy river. I sat in the hot tub and tossed her diving toys. It was wonderful. After we stopped at Target. I spent $8 on her. She got new shoes, a purse and a pair of sunglasses. She was so pleased. It was a very nice night. We came home and had a late meal with N. They had grilled steak and baked some seasoned fries. Watermelon put a smile on Five's face. We ate at the table in the backyard. The temp was perfect. It was a wonderful evening. Late, but wonderful. Kids brought all the dishes in the house and I washed things up. N rode his bike to meet his friends for a few hours. I got everyone to bed and chatted with a friend on the phone. Today we took at our own pace. No rush, no worries. Baby Girl was the first to wake. Usually a big kid retrieves her from her crib, but this am, no one would rise to her scream. Took me awhile to wake, but I got her. It was 7 am. Everyone else slept for another 45 minutes. This was the first morning she's ever woke up holding an object that has been in her bed. I've got soothing objects for her, taggie blankets, lovies, satin blankets, small soft dolly, and somehow Seven's old Curious George was in there. It's George in his pj's. G and G gave it to Seven when he was really little, 1 year old I believe. She was holding on to George as tight as she could. I think he's the new fav. We had errands to run and eventually got out of the house around 11am or so. N had to stop at a boat shop. Last part he needed to get the boat running, at least that's what he thinks. I wanted to return the last two library books before they get lost again. We also needed groceries. Of course a late start meant hungry people. We're trying not to eat out at fast food places. Not that we do that often, but it seems to happen more frequently to us in the summer months. Luckily, the library handed out great prizes for reading this summer. One of their prizes were Big Apple Bagels. Each kid got a free bagel and cream cheese. After the library, we stopped there for a snack. It was just what we needed to make it through the next errands. We lost Seven in Walmart. Never happened before. They were running around and didn't pay attention, I don't know what happened. He wasn't following us. We were all the way in dairy and didn't see him anywhere. N backtracked faster than I could with the cart and Baby Girl. He was in Electronics with the person working in that department. He was crying and really upset. I was proud of him for going straight to the desk for help. We've never had an experience like that before. It was so quick. After that, everyone stayed close and maybe finally realized why I've kept after them all these years to stay by us. Needless to say, that was it for our day. Home we came for a meal and naps. I made a couple of cakes, one for a birthday girl today and one for us to share with whomever comes our way. We are waiting on Mr. Gene to wrap up the closing on our new house. I have half the house packed, but need to get moving now on the rest. The kids bedrooms are my plan today. The basement is close, just the things the kids have been playing with lately. Little, by little, we will get there. I want to be as organized as I can. Yeah for two blog posts this week! Are you happy with the return? leave me a comment so I keep the momentum going! Please!

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