Friday, May 24, 2013

On the path to home ownership

Well, we did it. We put in an offer on a house and they took it! We've been house hunting for a few months now. It was starting to get slightly frustrated. They disappear fast. You have to know what you what right away. We saw lots of great stuff, but there was always something off. I was driving to pick up a friend earlier this week on a street we've looked at before. For some reason, the simplest house on the block caught my eye. My thoughts: "Why can't we find a house like that?" Would you believe the next day the owner of that house called and asked if we were interested? Not sure I'd believe it myself if it didn't happen to me. The lady up the road gave the owner our number. We'd looked at her house twice in the last year. Guess the Lord really does want me in MI, or at least back on Oriole Drive for now. When we move a 2nd time in the same location, we never move far. This one is just around the corner. They took our offer. Now for the rest of the house purchasing business. We are excited.

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