Monday, May 13, 2013

A day for mothers

Have to admit, the whole Mothers day thing isn't really for me. It's never what you hope it will be. I still do the same things I always do and get frustrated even more because it's supposed to be great. The kids really tried and were great in the morning. They "made" breakfast for me. A hard boiled egg, banana, greek yogurt, OJ, coffee and a waffle. They were sweet and I loved their little gifts they made at school. Getting 4 kids and myself out the door for mass still frustrates me. It wouldn't be so bad, but I've got kids who tend to want to play Lego's and take forever getting dressed. Needless to say something bad happened and I still feel guilty. It was an accident, but couldn't help blaming myself. It ruined my attitude for the entire day. It got better at church, but Baby Girl was all over the place and fussy. It was exhausting. We left quickly and I felt like collapsing when we got home. Can't, had to make lunch and try to get Baby Girl down for a nap. I finally accomplished that and was about to relax when I get a message from N. We have a house appointment at 2. That's less than an hour away and I just put down a fussy baby. Daisy to the rescue. She came over and stayed with the kids while we looked at the house. Baby Girl slept 2 solid hours and was happy when she woke up. N made a meal and we had no dessert. A quick family drive for ice cream and our night was complete. Not quite the mothers day you'd hope for, but still, my mothers day. On to a new week. The weekend seemed like it was a week long. Now to try keep kids soccer straight. I've been known to have the wrong day/time. I think I've got a handle on it. It helps the coaches are emailing frequently. We'll see how it all goes. The house hunt continues. We've seen quite a few places, but each seems to have a flaw. One was beautiful, everything we need, but an in ground pool. Can't imagine dealing with that. I really wanted another to work, it had many great qualities, but in the end was just too small. 1985 was the prime time for another house. Someone let it go. Mold, mildew, but lots of space. Too bad it comes with such a high price. It's a money pit and should be a bargain. Others just weren't even close to what we want. I know it's out there, we've seen them before. Months ago there were two that would have been great, right lot, right house, right price. We weren't ready and missed those. If they were around before, more should be around again. We just need to be patient. I'm always working on being patient. Seems to be my eternal homework.

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